Intentions 2006
(2006-01-06, 12:06 p.m.)
Dear readers... I am so fucking sick.

I went to the doctor's yesterday. The same doctor that told me my anxiety last year was probably due to me almost turning 30 and being unwed. GGGrrr...

But it's in and out at that office and I didn't have the energy to go anywhere else.

I guess I have a sinus infection, bronchitus, and a staph infection. The staph infection are these tiny bumps I thought were zits under my arms and on my stomach. Nope. A staff infection. So I have these intense antibiotics.

I've been home pretty much for four days straight. Last night I couldn't sit in my room a second longer but when I went in the living room The Roomate was laying on the couch. HE IS ALWAYS HOME.

Right now his girlfriend and he are arguing. What else is new?

I'm so looking forward to this move. It's the actual "moving" that I am dreading.

I went to church on Wednesday night. And as I was speeding up there I was pulled over. Going 80 in a 65 (again). I got a ticket in July of last year. If I got a ticket this time it would go on my insurance.

I got a warning. Thank you Mr. Highway Patrol!!

In the service the Revernd talked about resolutions vs. intentions. That resolutions are anchored in fixing a behavior. And intentions are anchored in vision. Example... Lose 10 pounds- resolution. Opening your heart to strangers-intention. She also threw out this silly statistic - that 75% of all resolutions are compromised by January 31 because they just aren't realistic.

Last year my resolutions were to join a gym (done- going is a whole other thing!!), becoming a big sister (done), and really putting my efforts in my job (a big struggle).

The Reverend also talked about drama in our lives. How we hold onto it. In a room filled with 150 people I really thought she was talking directly to me. Damn it. I do hold on to it. I talk about it with my friends. I feed it.

So this year's intention (see how that works)- Don't perpetuate the drama. Let's see how I fair. (Or is it fare?)

I'm going to NYC the last week of January. I'm going to try and not get caught up in the work drama. I'm going to stay away from Oakdale (he's been emailing by the way, and I have not been responding!!) Try to find calmness in chaos.

Good luck to me!!!

You know, I always think of good titles and things to write about when I'm driving or out. And I can never remember when I sit down to actually write!!

Oh well... More info on the Staph infection... Dear Alice, Please explain a staff infection and its symptoms. Dear Reader, Staph (pronounced "staff") is medical quick speak for staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This pesky little bacterium is very common (many people have some living on their skin all the time), but when it enters the human body, usually through an open cut or break in the skin, it can cause infection and trouble anywhere in the body. Staph infections tend to be pus-producing. Common minor (or relatively minor) skin infections caused by staph include: Folliculitis Infections of hair follicles that cause itchy white pus-filled bumps on the skin (often where people shave or have irritations from skin rubbing against clothes)