Another one bites the dust....
(2006-03-13, 9:04 a.m.)
Guess what boys and girls! Oakdale called me last night with some exciting news.

For those of you just tuning in, Oakdale works for my company but run Chicago. We have also been "romantically" involved. But that has nothing to do with what I'm about to tell you.

BOSS is quitting today!

Yup. Took a job with an Australian Importer. Yee Haw!

That's two bosses in one year that has quit. Couldn't take the pressure.

But me, I'm still here like a dumb ass.

And will they offer me his job? Doubt it. But they will expect me to do it like they did last time, with no additional pay or bonus.

And will I do it this time with out additional pay or bonus. NOPE!

Vacation time.

I guess BOSS is calling me at the end of the day to tell me. I already called Nic and told her. We were bouncing off the walls.

I'm a slight bit under the weather today and have to work with two reps. Makes for a long day. But tomorrow I'm not doing a damn thing.

Rock on, Slackerpalooza.

I should explain my lack of effort in the work department.

I worked my ass off last year. Grew my numbers, big time, trained my boss, for what? The biggest joke of a bonus.

Even when I slack, if you count my hours up in the week its over 50. That's all I do. Even when I'm out with friends I'm at accounts working. Sucks ass. But hey...

It pays the bills.

I have a job. Unlike four years ago after I was laid off. That sucked major ass.

Yeah!! No more BOSS!