A great one gone...
(2006-04-10, 12:21 p.m.)
I am so sad.

My friend, coworker and mentor died over the weekend.

Tbor was in his late 50's. Had kids a little younger than me. He was from Hungaria and used to be an actor there.

He knew everything about wine. He taught me so much. We would laugh when I would work with him because it was MY JOB to teach him... But he always ended up teaching me.

He would compare wines to Ballerinas or breathetaking scenery. And with his accent I would love to hear him talk about wine all day long.

I sent him in October to a wine seminar. My VP gave me shit about it because he felt Tibor was too old. I knew Tbor would work until the day he died. I just thought he had more time.

About a month ago he took some time off but didn't tell me why. Then it was announced he had cancer. His surgery went well but the doctors wanted to check it out again to make sure they got everything. His Kidneys failed and he died Saturday.

I can't imagine not seeing him. I can't imagine not getting his messages that I would need to play over and over again. I always had a hard time understanding him over the phone. That accent!

I am so sad.