(2006-04-24, 9:28 a.m.)
I had no idea my weekend would end up like this.

On Saturday I woke up and talked to MC. He is a friend of my neighbors and has been calling me for about a month. He's adorable. But young. (See a theme here?) I decided to give it a go though. We made plans to meet at my house at noon for lunch.

I headed over to the Sp0rts Ch@let to try on bathing suits. I had this great idea to start swimming at the gym.

So I grabbed some suits and went into the dressing room. The rooms were in the back corner of the store. They were unisex.

I was naked except my thong undies. I looked down, and on the floor was this man looking up at me. (There was tons of room between the door and the floor.) He jumped up and left. I rationalized it that I was crazy and didn't really see that at all.

But the man came back and stood out side the door masterbating. I was putting on my clothes as fast as I could. But was terrified. The man walked away. When I came out of the room I spotted him. I went over to an employee and told him what happened. He left me to get the store manager. The guy walked right past me and out of the store.

We called the police. I was a mess. Shaking. Crying. Angry. Scared.

I called MC to pick me up. He was really sweet. He arrived before the police so he heard me recount the entire thing. The questioning was so intense. What hand was he using? How many times? Shit like that.

They have the guy on video leaving the store. And get this. He had two small children with him.

I'm so pissed at myself. I totally let my guard down. I should have known better. And the store should know better. They had no security guard on duty. Their regular guy was on VACATION!

This whole thing really fucked me up.

MC and I came back to my house and I stood in the shower forever. I couldn't get rid of the chills.

We then went to lunch. I bumped into a ton of people I know. I was just trying to maintain. I wanted to cry every minute.

MC and I then went shopping for some surf boards then came home to watch some surf movies. He was so sweet to me. Thank god I had someone to lean on. My normal support squad were all out of town.

Yesterday Tony had a party. I was trying to maintain again, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Had this guy been watching me in the store the entire time? Was he trying to get into the room?

But the party was a good distraction. Everyone was a lot of fun. A new sales rep, Landon was there and invited JK and I over his house after for a BBQ.

Landon is really, really, really cute. AND YOUNG! Even younger than MC. He lives with 3 dudes in a 3 bedroom. It was so gross. Dirty, frat house gross. But JK and I had a blast. They are awesome guys. Just graduated and starting out in the world. Landon was hitting on me in the most blantant ways. His roomates were making fun of him for it.

We all danced in the kitchen. Told jokes. And laughed for hours.

When we left JK and I stood on the lawn listening in. It was funny to hear the guys rip on each other. Mostly telling Landon he would never get me. And Landon assuring them I was "totally feeling" him. HA!

I probably would CONSIDER hanging with him but I learned one thing about Landon. He's a total girlfriend guy. Falls head over heels. Not sure I could handle a 24 year old boyfriend. I think I'll have to wait until he's 25!

What is going on with me!! Mailbox Mitch- 21. Marine Boy- 25. MC- 27 and Landon 24.

I did go out with Payne (age 36) but wasn't "feeling it"!

Guess I'm regressing.

And loving it!

So last night helped me forget my woes. I could never imagine my weekend would end up like this.

And this is my life