Hugs from Papa
(2006-05-03, 12:53 p.m.)
The golf tournament was shocking. A jeep full of NAKED (yes, naked) YOUNG girls came by every half hour to bring more beer to the players. I stood there embarassed. For me. For them.

The guys would look at me and say things like, "Why don't you take your top off?"

My response, "Because my father hugged me as a child."

Which by the way isn't true but I never felt the need to get naked in front of 150 men on a golf course. For $15 an hour.

I left the tournament about half way through. Couldn't take it.

Last night I went to dinner with Landon. Sweet 25 year old Landon. It was work related. (Yeah right)We were going to a new wine bar that just opened up.

Before our food arrived Landon asked me what I want in a husband. Are you serious? Boy? You are going to ask me that.

All I could say is when I was in my twenties I thought I had it all figured out. But now all my standards have changed. Not lowered. Just changed.

I want a good guy. Not a HOT guy. Not a guy who makes a shit load of money. All though hot and rich would be nice :-) But a guy who is interested in being married and making a marriage work. Even when it gets hard. I've had too many guys run for the hills when the first sign of trouble hit. Only to come running back later.

I don't know what Landon's deal is. He kept calling it a date. I told him it wasn't a date when I paid (on my corporate expense) and we were visiting accounts we sell to. Oh and there was no making out neither!!

Doesn't sound like a date to me.

But it was nice. He is sweet.

On my drive home I was feeling a bit lonely. I text messaged TDW. It was early morning in France. He's been calling lately. I can't figure out if I miss him. Or the idea. Or the sex.

But I do know I'm wasting my time. He will never change.

I aked him to join me this year at my company summer budget meetings. They are in AZ and TDW will be in town that weekend. I can't face Oakdale with his new girlfriend. And the rest of the men in my company asking about my lovelife. TDW will play a part. I talked to him about it. He's down.

Oh well...

I leave for Vegas tomorrow. Last year when I went I got really fucked up. Got drugged and woke up next to a black couple. I was FULLY CLOTHED and nothing happened. But it was still scary. I hate Vegas.

But Linz will be there and so will a ton of others I work with in the industry.

Again... what am I complaining about. Having to party all weekend on the company dime? Oh, how rough.

And this is my life...