Grey Skies are going to clear up...
(2006-05-22, 11:04 p.m.)
Yesterday and today my depression was worse than I can remember. I have no patience. I was crying at everything. Breathing hurt.

I was a mess.

Today I came clean to Linz and JK. Admitting to hating everything and not understanding why. Wondering if I need to go back on meds. Why was I feeling this awful? I was manic on Saturday. Cleaned the garage, my room, went grocery shopping etc... I knew it was coming.

I was able to pull myself together to go to work. I really had no choice. So here I was, at this big fancy event, in this beautiful black dress, sipping champagne and talking to people who were dumb as rocks when I felt some cramping. Sure enough. Period. A week early.


Holy shit that was some serious PMS. It was probably my depression meets PMS and I couldn't see a way out. Crazy hormones.

On the drive home it felt like a different day. Everything was brighter. I could breathe gain. My friends and coworkers weren't assholes anymore. The cloud had been lifted.

And so it is...