People suck
(2006-06-29, 8:36 a.m.)
Man, I had the worse sleep last night. I kept waking up and not falling back asleep for hours.

I'm not sure why I'm so anxious.

Nic, the woman who does my job in San Francisco is coming down today. I'm a bit older and more experienced so I'm running the show. We need to work on our budgets for the end of July. GGGrrr...

JK's move has been quite upsetting. Everythime she says she is going to move her shit she cancels. Last week my furniture was delivered with her furniture still here. I was frustrated as hell. Then she came over Sunday and moved a load but left boxes and boxes of shit anywhere she pleased. Not in a corner. Not to the side. But everywhere.

I've worked really hard on getting the place decorated. So I moved all her shit to the spare room. (Yeah, we have a spare room she could have moved everything into!) and my place looks great. I asked Surfer Boy to put up a curtain rod about a week ago and asked that he finish it by yesterday. Guess what? Not done.

What is with people saying they will do something then not? I always go out of my way to do what people ask of me. But I can't seem to get the same in return.

JK wants her security deposit back tonight. Well... that is definately NOT going to happen. She hasn't cleaned her shit out of the fridge. Or moved all her shit out. Until then and the landlord stuff is taken care of... No can do, Lady.

I'm totally bummed old girl turned out to be such a flake. And the true meaning of flake. She didn't go with us to AZ so she could go to the bahamama's with her boyfriend she met on my space. Then she flaked on my birthday party. Then she flaked on my birthday dinner. And now she flakes on the moving shit.


She did introduce me to the church I go to now. And I do love it. So... I'm grateful.

I guess.

Time to pick up Nic.