Good Vibes...
(2006-08-17, 8:12 p.m.)
All growns up. My girl Danae is all growns up.

On Tuesday night she graduated from her masters program. She was also chosen to be a speaker so I went to cheer her on.

It was great to see her in front of everyone speaking about something she is so passionate about.

And this is the same girl who has a hard time communicating when she has some drinks in her. But not Tuesday. She shined, shined, shined.

I had been friends with her for about a year when she thought about going back to school. She was cocktail waitressing and also coaching soccer. She was depressed about not having a real job.

But look now! She has graduated. She has a job in the industry she is passionate about.

My girl. All growns up!!

And my other girl, Awaves, who I have known since we were 19 is about to (or has had) her baby girl. I hope wverything goes well. I'm sure it will. I'm excited.

And what is going on with me? Well... I'm interviewing with this awesome company. I would have less brands but more territory. I'd pick up Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. The guy who is being promoted I've known for awhile and he's a great guy to learn from. Right now it's down to me and someone else. I'll be interviewing September 12th with the boss from Berkley.

Everything is falling into place (sans a boyfriend) but that will happen one of these days.

I have a lot of things I could bitch about. But I'm feeling good. And I want to keep it that way.

So... Good times. Good times.