(2006-07-24, 9:39 a.m.)

I went out with a boy on Friday night for drinks. He just moved here from Kansas. Sweet, sweet young boy. 24 years old. Seriously. I just keep dating younger and younger.

Drinks turned into dinner. Which turned into 4 bottles of Sake. And many drinks. Kansas was so fun to talk to. We have a lot in common. I didn't want the night to end.

On our way for a stroll down by the water I walked by the bar my old roommate bounces at. He told me my ex fiance was inside.

I had to.

I just had to.

So Kansas and I go inside. He gets us a table and some drinks.

I spot the Ex. He is at the bar hitting on the biggest porn star in the place. I tap him on the shoulder. Ask him if I know him from somewhere. He turns to me and asks the same thing. I say No and walk away.

I wanted to vomit.

I went back over to Kansas. He could see I was shaken. We left our full beers there.

I was so happy. Then WHAM!

My Ex looked good. Tan and buff. I wished I looked better. But oh well.

When Kansas and I left we walked back to his place. We made out somewhere on the way home. It was nice. Very sweet.

Not sure where it will lead. Not sure how attracted I am to him physically. But I really enjoy hanging out with him.

I felt like I could say anything, do anything. No walls. No fronts.

Felt good.

We hung out for a spell yesterday after he returned from church (how cute). And I'm sure I'll see him today.

I went to see the Fl@ming l1ps last night at the Bowl of Hollywood!! It was AWESOME! The Bowl was awesome.

Life is good. Drama and all.

Oh and my mom called on Saturday morning. I guess I was worn down from the drunken night before because I answered. And had a good conversation with her. She said she is 5 months sober. And seems to be doing well.

Time will heal all wounds. A lot of time.