Daddy knows best...
(2005-10-12, 8:59 p.m.)
I had the absolute worst day at work. But the best ending.

I won't get in to the particulars. But I will tell you I was a half hour late to pick up the president of my company from the airport. Then we crashed and burn at our meeting. Life is going not good.

But I swear the world is ending.

I spoke to my dad tonight. I started to tell him about my work problems. I have a death wish when it comes to this. My dad always criticizes me and he never understands what I do.

But today he listened. Then he offered advice in a form of a story. He told me he knew I would figure it out and I would be successful no matter what.


Before we hung up I thanked him for being on good behavior. He said he wasn't trying.

Thanks to God for giving me the father I really needed today.