Bisexuality, stalking, and more...
(2005-12-11, 11:58 p.m.)
I had another emotional draining weekend. Lots of things happening. But I'm alive. Healthy. And overall happy.

First, I went to my client's christmas party. Tony asked Danae to come with us. Not that it would be a big deal but I had to introduce her around and many people were scratching their heads wondering what "friend" meant. At one point I walked over to a group of my sales people and one higher up and conversation stopped. The higher up was the guy who started the "she's gay" rumor. I leaned over to him and said, "I can assure you I am not gay." Laughter broke out and I was asked if my ears were burning. This had been the topic of conversation.

One of the sales reps who was tipsy confessed they think I'm bisexual.

I'm not offended that they think I may be. Bisexuality is what it is. Who cares. But I am embarrassed that I work with these people and they are thinking of me in this sexual way. And they were all giddy about it.

I was so dissapointed in some of the reps I consider friends. They let the talk go on.


The other upsetting thing that happened is Linz is being harassed. She has been getting these text messages sent by a website so you can't trace it. The messages are about her boobs. They use her name and even mention details about her.

Who would do such a thing?

We were concerned that it may be someone we work with. The thought made me sick.

We were able to trace the IP address. The area it was coming from- San Francisco. After talking to her family Linz called the police. They are going to tell her tomorrow where the computer is register.

Again... Who would do such a thing?

I went horseback riding with Jake on Saturday. The day was beautiful. I wanted to show Jake that there is more to life than the next party. I wanted him to know he has other friends besides his drinking buddies. I don't think it worked. But I'll be here if he needs me. We are in very different places in our lives.

We had another guest speaker at church today. Her speech was about how we let our fear of feelings run our life. The fear of looking stupid. The fear of looking fat. The fear of feeling foolish. These things stop us from taking risks.

Oh how true it is...

I am so afraid sometimes of looking too desperate I don't talk to guys when I'm out with my girlfriends. I talk myself out of things all the time.

I love the Ah-Ha moments.

See... emotionally draining.