(2006-06-20, 9:05 a.m.)
I've made it out of the hell called Sick. Man it was a rough one. I'm not a hundred percent but close.

Today is Linz's birthday. We took her to this uppidy steakhouse for dinner last night. Good wine. Good steak. All on the expense account. Well Tony's anyway. Danae and Machine also went. Like dumbasses we all drove. And Linz was getting toasty. So I drove her home and stayed a Machine's.

Again... another evening of cuddling and talking. We have this thing where we wake up in the middle of the night and hold each other really tight.

I'm sounding mushy.

I had these moments last night that maybe I should give him a shot. So what he's 4 years younger. So what he could end up back in Iraq. He makes me smile and he's a good guy.

We have had sex. And it's good. And passionate. Surprising because he's not really passionate in his day to day.

Last night I started my period. So when we fooled around I actually went down on him! Seriously. I never do that. And get this. I SWALLOWED! Something else I never do.

Afterwards I started laughing. Told him I must be starting to like him. And jokingly said we should stop seeing each other. Only I wasn't joking.

What am I doing?

I'm waiting for Linz to get ready. I need to get her to her car and get on with my day. Cramps are making me want to crawl in bed. But Machine gave me some Vicodin work gave him. Love it!!

And so it is...