I'm no wedding planner...
(2006-07-12, 8:21 a.m.)
I feel like I'm planning a wedding.

Tomorrow we are kicking off a release of a fancy smancy champagne. The winemaker is arriving at 10 am tomorrow. We are having an incredible luncheon at this super expensive hotel with media people and buyers from the top restaurants.

Then we head down to OC to have a meet and greet from 3:30-5:30.

Then a dinner where regular Joes (who can spend $200 a plate) get to try the champagne.

I've had to arrange the venues, the menus, guest lists, invitations, gifts, product, and media promotion.

Had little help from my NY office. Doesn't surprise me. They suck. But seriously... the head of P.R. didn't even respond to a single email of mine. I ratted her out by email this morning.

I'm excited about the event. I LOVE the wine maker, CP. He is british-french. And is so charming. He is retiring. And has no children. I keep telling him he and his wife can adopt me. Hopefully he will accept my precious offer this time around.

I had three weeks to plan all this on top of my other events. I can't wait for the month of July to BE OVER.

My old boss from my non wine days will be coming to the dinner. As I'll have my peeps there.

Oh shit. I just remember I have to make a speech and introduce CP. Public speaking. GGGGGRRRRRR...

I'll be good and drunk though. At least I hope :-)

Nothing else going on. My back has been hurt since Monday and I've been self medicating each day I get home from work. Each day it feels better but not 100% yet.

I'm old.

And so it is...